About Us

Morgan Engineering & Management College


Morgan Engineering & Management College was established in 2010, under the affi liation of Purbanchal University. The College is located centrally in Kathmandu Metropolitan City – 3, Kanti Marga, Kathmandu, which is acting as the milestone to deliver professional and technical education. The college lies exactly on the Ring Road track and therefore, has a good accessible for public transportation from all corners of the city and rural settlements of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur via Ring Road. Morgan has been off ering Bachelor level programs in Management and Science and Technology. The main objective of the Morgan Engineering & Management college is to assure & provide skill oriented professional education in Nepal and to focus practical based & quality education with professional careers in Management and Engineering fi eld.


  • To provide job oriented training in the modern value of construction.
  • To minimize the problem of unemployment by providing the professional education, so that produced manpower will be engaged in NGO, INGO, local authorities and private sectors.
  • To prepare basic infrastructure for further development of professional education in Civil & Electrical Engineering.
  • To minimize the fl ow of students for the study of similar education to abroad like Asian countries so as to check currency fl ow to other countries.
  • To attract foreign students in Nepal, especially, from India and other Asian countries to collect foreign currency.


  • To establish Morgan as a remarkable engineering institution in South Asia within a decade and one of the best Engineering Colleges in Nepal.
  • To fulfi ll the growing demand of graduate of Civil, Electrical, Architectural Engineer inside and outside the country for the construction technology, hydropower etc. cannot be neglected in this modern era. These graduates can play vital preamble for improvement of construction technology. In addition they can get employment in foreign countries. Hence, it can generate and earn foreign currency.
  • To develop, cooperate long term relationship with national and international educational institutions.
  • To provide quality engineering education and research in the frontier engineering areas relevant primarily to the nation.